Bennett Forest


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The Treehouse
A small treehouse built in the forest for the children of the Bennett family to get away or even a western zodiac member could potentially hide here to get away from the stress of the curse.
A small treehouse built in the forest for the children of the Bennett family to get away or even a western zodiac member could potentially hide here to get away from the stress of the curse.
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A good size campsite that is near the exit of the Bennett grounds.
A good size campsite that is near the exit of the Bennett grounds.
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This waterfall was man made by the Bennett family, it was merely only a river at one point but the yturned it into a beautiful spot.
This waterfall was man made by the Bennett family, it was merely only a river at one point but the yturned it into a beautiful spot.
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A cute quaint piece of land that has beautiful array of fauna living in it's depth. The tree and plants are beautiful here.
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