Kaibara Shopping District


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Bennett's Coffee
A local coffee shop that was recently put in that is run and operated by the Bennett family.
A local coffee shop that was recently put in that is run and operated by the Bennett family.
BENNETT, sydney Avatar
Coffee Keeps Problems Away, Right? [open]
updated Jul 18, 2019 20:50:44 GMT -5
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Cecelia's Grocery Store
A very popular store owned by an 75 year old woman named Cecelia. She's very kind if you happen to meet her, and her store has the essentials you need.
A very popular store owned by an 75 year old woman named Cecelia. She's very kind if you happen to meet her, and her store has the essentials you need.
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You will find all the shops from cafes, coffee places even to the grocery store in this district. It's full of places to go.
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